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Hi! Welcome to my blog


A little about myself:

My name is Peace Omozusi. I am a Nigerian-Canadian, daughter, sister, friend and most importantly, a believer. My passion for God and his word is not something that developed overnight. It has been a journey of many highs and lows (More like me constantly running away) but the farther I ran, the more God's love continued to chase after me and oh how grateful I am that he never gave up on me.


I am grateful for the gift of speaking and writing. I am even more grateful to God that he has chosen to use me via this means. Some of my most powerful moments of revelation from God comes from my personal bible reading time. The way God and I converse is mainly in my note-taking.  It starts off with God giving me a simple revelation from one verse and then boom, he has led me to write like two pages from just that revelation. This is when God started to reveal to me that what we do in our quiet time together is bigger than just me and my own personal spiritual development. My personal journaling can be someone else's moment of salvation and revelation. That is the Great Comission; we are taught so we can teach others, just as we are blessed to be a blessing to others and to go out and make disciples of all nations. This  blog is basically an extension of my quiet moments with God. 


My vision for this blog:

Hebrews 10:24-25

"24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."


Just like this verse in Hebrews, this blog is as much about every reader as it is about me the writer. It is a safe space where we can all come together, flaws & all, and grow together in our christian walk. My vision is to share and radiate the love of God with everyone who comes on this page. I hope to use my experiences and lessons in my walk with God to encourage you in your walk with God  (whether you are new to the fold, mature in the ministry, or just trying to figure out where you stand). It is important to note that this blog is not about perfection; it is about obedience, learning, progress and growth, and I'm so excited to share this experience with you.  I pray that as I write and as you take time to read, we will all feel the warm embrace of God's instruction, correction, rebuke, conviction and most of all, God's love. 


Now that all that has been said, welcome to my blog! Feel free to share, comment and connect with me as we go on this journey together. 


Peace xx.

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